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Azle Baseball & Softball Association

Azle Baseball & Softball Association

Upcoming Events Calander


Q: What age groups are eligible to play ABSA Baseball or Softball?
A: ABSA offers a wide range of divisions, covering boys and girls from age 3 to 14 in both the baseball and softball programs.

Q: Will there be travel for games?
A: Yes but we do our best to keep the travel to a minimum.  Last year there was minimal travel to places like: Lake Worth, Springtown, Saginaw, White Settlement, Peaster, Benbrook.  We feel that playing other leagues not only gives good competition between leagues, but also improves commodore between leagues.  

Q: How many players will be on each team?
A: We do our best to follow the guidelines laid out by Pony.  Pony recommends no less than 12 and no more than 15 on a team.  

Q: How are teams selected?
A: Each league has a draft where every player gets selected. In the Spring, there is a tryout for every division Pinto (8U) and up.  Players are required to attend tryouts, however, should your child not attend tryouts, your child will still be selected and placed on a team via a blind draw.

Q: What are the costs? Is there a late registration fee?
A:  Costs vary from year to year, but Fall is typically cheaper than the Spring season.  More games and tournaments are played in the spring and attribute to the higher cost.  

Q: How are league ages broken up?
A: League ages are set by how old the child will be on August 31 and January 1 for Softball.  Please see the following links to view the Pony League Age keys for baseball and softball.
Baseball Pony League Age Key
Softball Pony League Age Key

Q: Can my son or daughter play up or down a division?
A: Players are encouraged to play within the division they are supposed to play, however, ABSA will consider on a case-by-case-basis allowing a player to play up ONE division.  Unless we have a doctor's note to support a player playing down a division, the player must play in their age bracket (see Pony League Age Key information above). Please see the 'Play Up or Play Down' page for more information.

Q: Can I request to be on a specific team?
A: ABSA allows all incoming coaches to hold 8 players. If a coach requests your child to be placed on your team, the league will contact you to confirm and your child will be saved. All players that are not placed on a hold list will be entered into the draft.  If you would like to play for a certain coach, your best bet is to talk to the coach you would like to play for and request he hold/draft your child. 

Q: What equipment will my child need?
A: We recommend that every ABSA player have the following equipment:
1) Batting helmet 4) Safety cup (boys in 8u and up)
2) Glove 5) Safety mask (softball girls 6u and up)
3) Cleats  

Q: What is included in the ABSA uniform? Who do I contact about uniforms?
A: ABSA will provide each child with a jersey and hat. In the spring, we issue two jerseys (one is away and the other is home).
Kimber Maness, Baseball Uniform Director - [email protected]
Sarah Brawley, Softball Uniform Director - [email protected]
Q: How can I become a coach?
A: We are always looking for coaches.  If you are interested in becoming a coach for ABSA please send an email to the respective commissioner of your league for more information on coaching. 
Corey Delagrange, Baseball Commissioner - [email protected]
Sarah Brawley, Softball Admin - [email protected]

Q: How do I get informed of rainouts / inclement weather?
A: During Inclement weather, ABSA continually monitors the conditions of the field to ensure the safety of the players and fans.  Should a delay or cancellation be called, your coach should be your first point of contact.  We will also post information on our Facebook and website pages, in addition to emailing all league participants. Calling games and practices will typically occur by 3 p.m.

Q: How do I become a sponsor?
A:  We have a number of ways to become a sponsor.  Please contact our Sponsorship Coordinator for more information!
[email protected]

Q: How can I become an Umpire?
A: Please email the [email protected] for more information on becoming an Umpire for ABSA!

Upcoming Events Summary

Spring 2025 Upcoming Dates / Deadlines

Nov 29 - Registration Opens & Black Friday Sale! 

Jan 1 - Registration Price Increases 

Feb 2 - Registration Closes at midnight

Feb 8 - Evaluations & Draft **a Head/Assistant coach from each team must attend**

Feb 16 - Practices Begin 

Mar 28 - Opening Ceremony 

Mar 29 - Opening Day 

May 31 - Season Ends


Have Additional Questions?

Please contact us!
[email protected] 

Azle Baseball Softball Association

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 700
Azle, Texas 76098

Physical address: 
9980 Ten Mile Bridge Road
Fort Worth, TX 76135

Subcribe to our Calendar

Follow this link to subscribe to ABSA's google calendar of events!

Contact Us

Azle Baseball & Softball Association

9980 Ten Mile Bridge Road 
Fort Worth, Texas 76135

Email Us: [email protected]
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